Left-Democratic Alliance Formed Aimingto Save Country and Democracy

Posted: 18 জুলাই, 2018

In a crowded press conference on 18 July at the MoitriAudirotium in PuranaPaltan, the "Left-Democratic Alliance" comprised of eight leftist parties, has been announced by the leftist leaders. The LeftistAlliancehas been formed to save contryand democracy from the bourgeoisie’s misrule. General Secretary of BSD Khalekuzzaman delivered the introductory speech and General Secretary of Biplobi Workers' Party SaifulHaque read the written statement. The President of CPB Mujahidul Islam Selim and the General Secretary of United Communist League MosharrafHossainNannu conducted the question-answer session with the journalists. The Central Committee member of BSD (Marxist) ShuvrangshuChakrabarty thanked the audience. Apart from them, the Chief Coordinator of GonosonghotiAndolonZonayedSaaki, the General Secretary of GonotantrikBiplobi Party MoshrefaMishu and the Convener of ShomajtantrikAndolonHamidulHaque were also present in the press conference. Describing the present situation in the country, the speakers in the press conference said, the fascist tendency of the government and state is increasing day by day. The endless gap between the income and resources of the rich and poor people is also increasing due to the propagandist politics of so called ‘development’ of the government. The secret spy agencies of India, Pakistan and United States have increased their activities in Bangladesh. The tendency of the two leading political parties of going to the foreign forces ahead of the election, has increased the risk of foreign interference in our country. It has also risked the sovereignty of Bangladesh. The "controlled election" model of the present government has made the right to vote of the people a mere farce. Demand of resignation of the present government after abolishing the national parliament before the schedule of National Parliament elections is announced, were made in the statement given in press conference. It said, a neutral government made on the basis of opinion given by all the parties and other stakeholders of the society should be formed during the election. The statement also demanded for the total reform of the electoral system and reconstruction of the present election commission. During the question-answer session, the leaders made the promise of saving the country and democracy. The "Left-Democratic Alliance" comprising of eight political parties including the Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB), Socialist Party of Bangladesh (BSD), Biplobi Workers' Party, BSD (Marxist), GonosonghotiAndolon, United Communist League of Bangladesh, GonotantrikBiplobi Party and BangladesherShomajtantrikAndolon, was announced in the press conference. The General Secretary of Biplobi Workers' Party SaifulHaque was named the first coordinator of the Alliance. The members of the central committee of the Alliance are: Mujahidul Islam Selim, Md. Shah Alam, Khalekuzzaman, Bajlur Rashid Firoz, SaifulHaque, ShuvrangshuChakrabarty, FakhruddinKabirAtik, ZonayedSaaki, Firoz Ahmed, MosharrafHossainNannu, Professor AbdusSattar, MoshrefaMishu, Momin Ur RahmanBishal, HamidulHaque and Ranjit Kumar. The programme schedule: A) Countrywide Protest Rally against the oppression, torture, corruption, family tradition and to establish the right to vote of the people, on 24 July. The protest programme will be held in front of the National Press Club at 04 PM on that day. B ) Dialogue in Dhaka with a view to establishing the right to vote of people and demanding the complete renovation of the present election process, on 04 August. C) Meetings and rallies will be held in the 6 Divisional cities including Chattagram, Sylhet, Khulna, Barishal, Rajshahi and Rangpur on 10 and 11 August. The central leaders of the Alliance will be present in these programmes.